It is conventional wisdom that San Francisco has more dogs than children.

While nobody really knows if that’s any truer than all the other conventional wisdom out there – if our latest Reset Poll is any guide, San Francisco sure has plenty of dog lovers.

The GGNRA periodically tries to restrict the areas where San Francisco’s many dogs can roam free. Now the GGNRA is at it again – with a proposal that would limit off-leash dogs, particularly in doggy Mecca’s like Fort Funston and Crissy Field. While dogs in San Francisco do have their own political action committee, our Reset Poll asked likely voters what they thought.

The answer – San Franciscans don’t think much of this latest plan to limit recreational opportunities.

Overwhelming Support for Off-Leash Areas in San Francisco

When asked if they would vote for a city ballot measure to recommend that the GGNRA maintain off-leash dog areas, fully 78% of the respondents said yes – they supported maintaining the off leash areas. Only 22% opposed the plan to send a recommendation to the GGNRA to maintain the current off-leash dog areas.

This is one of those SF battles that never seems to go away.  And the GGNRA doesn’t seem to care all that much what San Franciscans think.

But one point seems to get lost in much of this debate – these recreational opportunities are not just for dogs, they are also for humans. Talking your dog out for a brisk run means taking yourself out for some exercise. In a city where we talk the talk about the nexus between health and exercise, it seems like we might consider walking the walk when it comes to giving families some room to recreate with their dogs.


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