Yes, if you are an absentee, or vote by mail voter in San Francisco you can still vote at your designated polling place. To vote at your designated San Francisco polling place instead of by mail you will need to go to your polling place and surrender your absentee ballot. If you were issued an vote-by-mail ballot that you are unable to give-up and you want to vote at your San Francisco polling place you can cast a provisional ballot. To vote by provisional ballot in San Francisco get a provisional ballot from a pollworker.

You will need to complete the voter’s section of the provisional envelope with your name, date of birth, and current and previous addresses. You will need to sign the declaration confirming that you are a San Francisco resident. Once you have marked your ballot cards, insert them into the provisional envelope, seal it and return it to the pollworker. To find out if your provisional ballot was counted in San Francisco, you can search online. You will need to enter your Provisional Voter Receipt number (6 digits) located on your provisional ballot and your date of birth. If you have any additional questions, you can call the Department of Elections at 415-554-4375 or e-mail them.


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