San Francisco’s Homeward Bound program works to help reunite homeless individuals living in San Francisco with family and friends elsewhere who are willing and able to offer ongoing support to help get the individual housing and shelter.

Under the Homeward Bound Program the Human Services Agency will provide a homeless individual in San Francisco with a bus ticket home.

In order to qualify for a bus ticket, the individual must be:

  • Homeless or low income and currently living in San Francisco
  • You must also have family or friends at a location that Homeward Bound staff can verify are willing and able to provide you a place to stay and ongoing support
  • The individual must be medically stable enough to travel alone and without assistance
  • The individual must also be able to remain sober long enough for the bus ride.
  • The individuals personal hygiene must be acceptable to travel. If need be, the Human Service Agency will provide clothing and shower facilities before the bus ride.

You are not allowed to travel with a pet unless the animal is a certified service animal.

For questions or additional information, you can contact the Homeward Bound Outreach worker at (415) 533-3475 or visit the Homeward Bound Team located at 1235 Mission Street.


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