

The very best part of San Francisco – our neighborhoods – all too often receive the least attention from City Hall. It’s time neighborhood concerns had the focused attention they deserve. We have the power to fix our problems, but it can only happen by working together, by listening to each other and by realizing that the city’s problems are interconnected, not isolated. That’s why I’d like you to join the conversation – right here, right now. Be a neighborhood leader and help us Reset San Francisco. Do you think that City Hall is addressing the concerns that matter most to you? It’s time to bring our issues, our priorities to the forefront of city government. We’ll never fix our city by blaming each other, but we can succeed by combining our efforts and our ideas.

Development or gentrification? Burning Man HQ relocates to Mid-Market

By  •  Neighborhood


The Burning Man headquarters will relocate from Bayview-Hunter’s point to Sixth and Market streets. The official announcement coincided with the Board of Supervisors’ preliminary approval of legislation that will …
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The Wealth of Cities
13 years ago

The Wealth of Cities

By  •  Neighborhood, Tech

In these tough times, most of us are looking to save a few dollars. And when we save money on goods that are produced far away, that means we have …
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By  •  Neighborhood

I’ve lived in this city off and on for about 15 years, and many of those years have been spent in various homes in Civic Center.  We have a number …
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