
Tax Reform

With ongoing budget deficits in San Francisco and with the influx of tech and global capital, Resetting San Francisco starts with a return to sound fiscal policy and fair tax reform.The city certainly needs to do a better job with the money we have now. Increasing efficiency and collecting delinquent revenue can go a long way toward helping close our our budget gap, which is projected to be $340 million in 2017-18.

Money Visualized, An XKCD Infographic
13 years ago

Money Visualized, An XKCD Infographic

By  •  Tax Reform

By: Bernadette Samson

We love data because we’re total geeks at Reset San Francisco, but XKCD webcomic artist Randall Munroe has out-geeked us with this infographic that shows how …
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Tell It Is Amazon.Wrong
13 years ago

Tell It Is Amazon.Wrong

By  •  Tax Reform

Should San Franciscans Support a Company that Won’t Support California? Sign our petition on!

There were plenty of holiday deals to be found this weekend for San Franciscans shopping …
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Sales Tax Goes Down, Sales Tax Goes Up?
13 years ago

Sales Tax Goes Down, Sales Tax Goes Up?

By  •  Tax Reform

Californians across the state are going to notice a few extra dollars in their wallet when they go buy a new plasma TV, iPad 2 or DVD player.

That’s because, …
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The Republicans In Sacramento Say No to Tax Extensions. What Will San Franciscans Do?

By  •  Tax Reform

Blocked by an intransigent Republican minority in Sacramento, Governor Jerry Brown and state legislative leaders just adopted an “all cuts” budget in Sacramento.

Stepping into this void, San Francisco Mayor …
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Is San Francisco Letting Millions Go Up in Smoke?
13 years ago

Is San Francisco Letting Millions Go Up in Smoke?

By  •  Tax Reform

Cities throughout the state are looking to marijuana as a way to generate revenue and help close ballooning deficits. Oakland, San Jose and Los Angeles already tax medical …
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Business Tax Reform 2.0 – Fostering Growth and Keeping Companies in San Francisco

By  •  Tax Reform

The explosive Twitter tax break war viscerally demonstrates San Francisco need serious change in the way we are attracting and retaining companies (tech and non-tech). But that’s just the tip of the …
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