Reset San Francisco is all about reform. But one “reform” being promoted at City Hall is being viewed with real skepticism – at least by our Reset Poll respondents.

The plan first floated by District 8 Supervisor Scott Weiner proposes to give the Board of Supervisors the power to amend ballot measures passed by the voters and even the ability to repeal certain types of ballot measures. Under Weiner’s proposal, the Board could make changes to measures passed by voters after three years by a 2/3 majority vote. After seven years, the Board could revise or repeal with a simple majority vote. But under Supervisor Weiner’s plan, the Board would only be able to amend, not repeal, ballot measures that qualified through the signature gathering process.


Weiner and his supporters have a point – some of the measures passed by voters really do need some editing. The last-minute nature of many measures only makes this problem worse.

But many of those who are speaking out against the Supervisor’s proposal point out that voter-led initiatives are how we hold government accountable. Long before there was Gov 2.0, long before there was a San Francisco Progressive movement, the original California Progressives pioneered the idea that regular voters could propose and pass policy – not just elected officials.

So far, the voters agree with both the old and new Progressives on this one – 71% of Reset Poll respondents say “No” to this idea, with just 29% in favor of the plan.

 The Original User-Generated Government

Ballot measures are certainly messy. But they were the original User-Generated Government. And if our poll is any guide, San Francisco voters will not approve a plan to take this power away.