

Amazon Fresh Teams Up with the US Postal Service in SF Pilot Project
10 years ago

Amazon Fresh Teams Up with the US Postal Service in SF Pilot Project

By  •  Food, Tech

As San Franciscans living in the fast-paced tech mecca of the world, many of us are used to using apps that offer the beauty of instant service.

Transportation apps like …
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What is SF72?
10 years ago

What is SF72?

By: Mahmoud Abunie

In the wake of the 6.1 magnitude earthquake centered in Napa County, San Francisco was once again reminded of the vulnerabilities we face living in California. The …
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Napa Valley Earthquake and the Future of Disaster Preparedness
10 years ago

Napa Valley Earthquake and the Future of Disaster Preparedness

By: Sean Godlewski

Recently we discussed the drought ravaging California and the technology and advocacy work going into helping the situation.  A couple weeks ago, Bay-Area residents were hit with …
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Kitestring, The (Non) App That Can Save Your Life
10 years ago

Kitestring, The (Non) App That Can Save Your Life

By: Sarah Jackson

In a big city like San Francisco, there’s often one person in a group who says “call me when you get home so I know you made it …
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Show of Hands
10 years ago

Show of Hands

By  •  Politics, Tech

By: Mahmoud Abunie

Blogs, Facebook, and Twitter have given politicians and campaigns new ways to learn about and connect with voters in the U.S. Now, with the help of Show …
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SF schools to top charts with help from tech
10 years ago

SF schools to top charts with help from tech

By  •  Education, Tech

Original Article from the San Francisco Examiner

By: Razor Suleman

San Francisco ranks No. 1 out of every major metropolitan city for clean tech. That achievement was celebrated last month …
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