Bringing back the demand for jobs has been a central priority these days for not only cities, but states and the entire federal government.  Thinking about this goal locally, what can San Francisco do to create more jobs here in the city?

I would say one way is to break ground on more development projects (like the Bayview Hunters Point project) and even smaller developments by offering a more streamlined and easy planning and building inspection process so developers would be more willing to develop in San Francisco.  Its no secret that its a complete headache to try and develop property in the city, and I don’t think we need to give up any revenue through lower fees or anything, just make it an easier process.

I would add that the most long term beneficial plan would involve targeting certain industries to locate and grow within our city limits.  The biotech tax credit was one effective policy, how about we create a green tech tax credit?  In the end, we have a long way to go with making San Francisco a more business-friendly place–I think our elected officials oftentimes forget that businesses create jobs and while it is easy to vilify employers, especially the larger employers, they are the ones that bring jobs to the city.  Helping businesses thrive helps labor in the city thrive.

What would you suggest for creating more jobs in San Francisco?